TGHS Basketball Awards 1939 / 1940 |

Submitted by Janet Bradford Van Doren (Awards earned by Paul Bradford) |
Table Grove High School definitely offered baseball, basketball, football, and track for its boys. School
fight song, conference affiliation, coach's names, and records of the better teams are currently not available.
John Marshall has the Table Grove Yearbooks from ’10, ’12,
’13 and ’37. John writes to us: "Though the information from those periods is somewhat
sketchy, I will provide you with the following data for Table Grove High School. Oddly
enough, the yearbook for 1912-13 explains that a new emphasis was to be placed on academics. Thus the “clubs”
will be maintained, but apparently no games were played that year."
An excerpt from the 1922 TGHS yearbook
says this about athletics for that school year:
Baseball, Football, Basketball
Don't think because we had no Fall
or Winter Athletics that we had no material. We had the "makin's" of a football team all right, but for lack of backing
we failed to organize. Upon requesting for a loan from our superiors we were emphatically told, "nothin stirrin'". You'll
excuse us."
Boys Basketball
The boys basketball program at Table Grove High School had some very nice seasons of success. A District
title was won in 1943 to help prove that point! Unfortunately this is the only mention of the roundballers
at TGHS on the IHSA website ( We are searching for the records and coaches names of the better teams that graced the courts of Table Grove High.
1910-11 4 - 3
Table Grove Boys Basketball 1910-11 |

Submitted by John Marshall - Left Click on Photo for Larger View |
The 1910-11 yearbook copy provided to us by John Marshall states the following which serves as
an interesting look into the way high school "basket ball" was organized in the early 1900s:
"The basket ball season of '10-'11 opened with four men of last year's team in school. After a trial of all
the material in school, Ralph Hunter and Myles Robinson were picked to fill
the two vacant places.
A new ball was purchased and practice began early in the year and by the time the season opened the team was
ready with good team work and signals.
Walter Pickering was given the rule book and accompanied the team as referee, and his
work was very satisfactory to both home and visiting teams.
There were seven games played, with four victories for us and three defeats, which is a very creditable
showing, when some of the difficulties that games were played under are taken into consideration"
1910-11 SCHEDULE
Beat Astoria 47 - 7
Lost to LaHarpe 28-12
Beat Macomb 47 - 7
Lost to Macomb State Normal 35 - 29
Beat to LaHarpe 36 - 11
Lost to Bushnell 18 - 15
Beat Macomb 19 - 17
1911-12 1 - ?
Table Grove HS Basket Ball Team of 1911-12 |

C. Fordyce, R. Lance, W. Chandler, P. Fordyce, G. Parks, G. Beatty |
From the 1911-12 yearbook sent to us by John Marshall:
"Our boys basket ball team started out with plenty of spirit and material. But we found ourselves at a great disadvantage
in not having a building in which to practice. Nevertheless, we managed to play a few games, of which the closest of the season
was that with Good Hope. In this we proved victorious, with the score of 12 - 11.
Rippety! Rippety! Lempety! Zell!
We're the team of 1912
Purple and White, Purple and White,
Table Grove Basket Ball they're all right!
Who's all right?
Table Grove Basket Ball they're all right!
1933-34 Lewistown District
Tournament Coach's name & record needed
1st Rd lost to Vermont 26-22
Vermont lost to Fairview in semi-final
Fairview lost to Canton in title game 1934-35 Lewistown
District Tournament Coach's name & record needed
1st Rd Beat Smithfield 46-6 2nd
Rd lost to Canton 42-27
Canton beat Fairview in title game 1935-36
London Mills District Runner-Up Coach's name & record needed
Semi-final Beat Ipava 22-21
Title Game lost to Fairview 22-19 1936-37 9 - 7 Canton Regional Tournament
Coach Markel
1st Rd lost to Lewistown 19-3
Lewistown lost to Canton in title game
TG Junior High Basketball Team of 1936-37 |

Submitted by Janet Bradford Van Doren |
1937-38 Postseason scores, record, and coach's
name needed. 1938-39 Postseason scores, record, and coach's name needed. 1939-40 Postseason scores, record, and coach's name needed. 1940-41 Postseason scores, record, and coach's name needed. 1941-42
Postseason scores, record, and coach's name needed.
IHSA District Champions Coach's
name & record needed
District Scores Needed
Rushville Regional Tournament
1st Rd Beat Astoria 47-45 (O/T)
Semi-final lost to Rushville 53-50
Rushville beat Beardstown in title game
1943-44 Postseason scores, record, and coach's
name needed. 1944-45 Postseason scores, record, and coach's name needed. 1945-46
Browning District Runner-Up Coach's
name & record needed
Early Rd scores needed
Title Game lost to Ipava 52-31 1946-47 Postseason scores, record, and coach's name needed.
Boys Track & Field One Table Grove High School thinclad let the rest of Illinois know that the kids from his town could run with the
best of them. In 1923 a male trackster named C. Chenoweth placed
4th in the mile run in the IHSA 'B' Track Meet! 1922-23B C. Chenoweth 1 Mile Run
4TH Place From the 1922 Table Grove HS Yearbook: "The Community Track Meet was held in
Vermont on April 21st. Four schools were participants, Vermont, Astoria, Ipava,
and Table Grove. With but a few men on our team our boys brought home third place. The individual sores follow: Lybarger: Javelin - 1st, 440 Yd Dash - 2nd, 100 Yd Dash - 2nd, 50 Yd Dash - 2nd, Shot Put
- 3rd Abernathy: Discus
- 3rd Clyde Chenowith: Mile Run - 1st Clair Kirkpatrick: 220 Yd Hurdles - 2nd Paul Hickenbottom:
Half Mile Run - 2nd Football Some early records as found in yearbooks
located by John Marshall are included below. 1909-10 3 - 0
Coach W. Beresford 1910-11
0 - 2
TGHS 1910-11 Boys' Football Team |

Submitted by John Marshall - click on photo for larger view |
From the yearbook of 1910-11 sent by John Marshall:
"Last fall the boys' football team started out with plenty of good material for a strong and fast team, but owing
to the objections of parents, there were only two games played.
The boys were mostly beginners, so know little about the game, therefore we lost both games played, altho
we put up a good fight for them."
1911-12 2 - 2 - 1
Table Grove HS Foot Ball Team of 1911-12 |

Submitted by John Marshall (Click on photo for larger view) |
From the yearbook of 1911-12 submitted by John Marshall:
"The foot ball team of the Fall of 1911 began with practically a new lineup. The encouragement of Wayland
Ross, the captain, did much to keep the team together and get good practice. The players were nearly all new and
inexperienced, but enthusiasm was started by the winning of the first game with a score of 23 - 0. Altho they were defeated
in a few games, good courage was kept up all the time, which showed the grit of old Table Grove High."
1936-37 2 - 6
1940-41 A photo of the 1940-41 football team was provided to us below by John Bybee.
The gentleman in the back row, fifth from the left, became a Fighter Pilot for the AAF in World War II. Thank you for your
service Evan Hughes!
Table Grove High School Football Team of 1940 |

Courtesy of John Bybee |
Members of the 1940 football team in the photo above:
Front Row, L to R: Bill Clannin, Dallas Bossort, Virgil Hammond, Jack Yerkes, Joe Wherley Jr., Dean
Johnson, Bill Cassidy, Keith Heaton (mgr., front and center)
Back Row, L to R: Ross "Bus" Hulvey Jr., Carrol Armand Hammond, Charles Fawcett, Arno Hahn, Evan
Hughes, Jay Clements, Coach Dan Whitmarsh
Not in Photo: Marlin Smith, Leland Chandler, Eugene Hellew, Clair Dye, Dave Fawcett
Boys Baseball
The Tigers were quite competitive on the baseball diamond as well. The following records were sent to us by John
Marshall, as found in TBHS yearsbooks of these particular years.
1908-09 7 - 1
1909-10 6 - 0 Undefeated Season!!
From the 1910-11 yearbook:
"Six games were played with other schools and all were won (in 1909-10) by Table Grove, and when we consider the
size of the schools played, this was a good showing."
Beat Avon 9 - 5
Beat Lewistown 10 - 1
Beat Vermont 9 - 4
Beat Avon 6 - 1
Beat Knoxville St. Alban's 8 - 0
Beat Macomb Western Illinois State Normal School 12 - 2
1910-11 Record unavailable
Table Grove HS Base Ball 1910-11 |

Submitted by John Marshall - left click on photo for larger view |
From the 1910-11 Table Grove HS yearbook provided by John Marshall:
"As the Fad was printed too early for the base ball schedule of this year, the last year's schedule was printed.
THe season of 1910 opens with a very good team in school and it was organized with Edson Robinson as captain
and H.L. Dyar as manager.
This year there are two vacant places on the team, but there are several good players in school to choose from
who will make good by a little practice, and we hope to keep up the good record that has been made before."
1911-12 (record unavailable)
Table Grove HS Base Ball Team of 1911-12 |

Submitted by John Marshall (Click on photo for larger version) |
Girls Basketball
John Marshall provided information about the girls basketball team of 1909-1910. The ladies won
the Fulton County championship and had an incredible record of 7 - 1. The record and a short write-up is available below.
1909-10 5 - 2 Fulton County Champs!!
Table Grove HS Girls Basketball 1909-10 |

Submitted by John Marshall |
TGHS Girls Basket Ball Schedule of 1909-10 |

Courtesy of John Marshall |
1910-11 9 - 1 - 1 Fulton County Champs!!
Table Grove HS Girls Basket Ball Team of 1910-11 |

Sent by John Marshall - left click on photo for larger view |
From the 1910-11 yearbook pages provided by John Marshall:
"This is the fourth year of the existence of girl's basket ball in the Table Grove High School. With the opening
of school last September, it was found that only two of the former team players remained to contribute their ability and experience
toward making up a team which would hold the record that the former team held. In the beginning things looked rather discouraging
and so strong a team was hardly expected.
However, the girls went to work and came out with surprising success, notwithstanding, the obstacles contended
with. With the same good spirit that has always stood forth, a team was developed which, up to the present time, is the champion
of Fulton County.
The success of the team is partly due the good spirit with which the home patrons supported the team. Susannah
Barker proved to be an excellent manager and helped the team in many ways."
1910-11 SCHEDULE
Beat Vermont 44 - 4
Lost to Ipava 17 - 15
Beat Ipava 27 - 10
Beat LaHarpe 26 - 8
Beat Vermont 36 - 2
Beat Macomb 40 - 4
Beat Canton 13 - 11
Beat Colchester 81 - 3
TIED Macomb Normal 10 - 10
Beat Macomb 12 - 11
Beat Canton 30 - 5
1911-12 1 - 0 Undefeated Season
From the 1911-12 yearbook:
"The basket ball season of 1911-12 proved a failure in almost everything attempted. We lost two players who were
the equals of any two players on any high school team in the West. Notwithstanding the hardships, we got together a team which
did some practicing, but very little playing, for, owing to the rules of the Association to which we belong, we were unable
to play more than one interscholastic game, in which one we were victorious. (beating Good Hope HS 30-18)"
Now, girls, all together,
For no matter what's in the weather,
Be it lightning, thunder, or snow;
We're a bunch of sturdy fighters,
And we're simply out of sighters,
And we're ready when the whistle blows.
Girls Basket Ball of 1911-12 |

S. Barker, M. Lance, M. Hulvey, O. Wetzel, B. Hammond, M. Haist |
There was a ton of school spirit at Table Grove High School. Check out these cheers found in the yearbook of 1910.
Table Grove High School Cheers of 1910 |

Thank you to John Marshall |
The Table Grove High School kids were active in many other activities in addition to athletics. FFA, FHA, GAA, student
government, choir, band, school dances, and plays were all likely a part of the TGHS experience.
Table Grove HS Band 1938 |

Submitted by Janet Bradford Van Doren |
MEMORIES **From Janet Bradford Van Doren (VIT high school graduate - last class of TG high and first of
VIT to graduate.): "I'm
an alumnae of VIT HS - 1950, attending there my sophomore through senior years. Thus I remember the original Table Grove
High School which I attended my freshman year. The school team uniform colors were purple and white. The
school fight song was the "Washington and Lee Swing". I still play it in a
community band today and always think --- " and when those TG Tigers fall in
line" --- as we play the song.
I also started my education in the very
old TG school which you picture. We never were allowed to go up to the
second floor since it was the original HS rooms and was closed off. As little
kids we always wondered what mysterious things they'd find up there.
After the consolidation of three towns I went to high school in the 1920s building.
To have enough room for all they moved in old army barracks from
Camp Ellis which was a temporary post nearby. Shortly after I graduated
they built complete complex of schools. All the old buildings are long
gone. A
nice page. Thanks for sharing all that material with us old folks."
Need Your Assistance
If you have any of the information requested, and any information which will help make the Table
Grove High School page more complete, please e-mail us at . We are especially interested in a photo of the original TGHS building. You can also write to us at:
Illinois HS Glory Days
6439 N. Neva St.
Chicago, Il. 60631
Table Grove HS Janitor Smith Barker - 1922 |

From the 1922 Yearbook "The Fad" - provided by John Marshall |
Table Grove HS Photo 1920 |
Submitted by Janet Bradford Van Doren |
Table Grove HS Building 1800s |
Submitted by Janet Bradford Van Doren |