(My sister and brother-in-law) Mike and Diana McKinnon, current owners of the high school
property, live adjacent to the property. Due to the unsafe condition of the main school building, it was demolished in
1994 and only the ‘bus barn’ remains. The bus barn is a brick addition that was built to house the school
buses. It was built around 1953 when all of the surrounding country grade schools consolidated and the new grade school
was built adjacent to the high school.
The Terre Haute Methodist Church built a new annex building several years ago. All of the framed senior
class pictures from Terre Haute High School were saved and now reside in the foyer of the church annex building.
The McKinnons have the hand bell from the school building that the teachers used to call
the students to class. They also have the two engraved cornerstones from the high school building. Ralph
T. Painter was President of the Board of Education for Terre Haute Township High School District No. 102 when it
was dedicated in 1921. Board members were Joseph E. Painter, A. W. Kern, H. M. Lovitt, Fred
Fitz, Geo. Stout, and L. E. Lovitt. Their names are engraved on one of the building’s
cornerstones. The other cornerstone contains the architect’s name, A. L. Pillsbury, and the contractor’s
name, the Bennington Brothers, Dallas City, Illinois. The date on that cornerstone is 1921. There was
a time capsule in one of the cornerstones which contained documents. Some were damaged and some had disintegrated from the
elements. The McKinnons salvaged what they could and preserved them in a shadow box.
I transcribed the most important document from the time capsule, a 2-page brief history of the school, which
follows. It was typed on the letterhead of local merchant, J. J. Bryan. The center of the document
had disintegrated. I inserted a blank line to show where portions are missing or are unreadable.
J. J. Bryan
Dealer In
General Merchandise
Hardware and Implements
Terre Haute, Ill. August 20, 1921
The Corner Stone of the High School building, For the use of Terre Haute High School
District No. I02 of Henderson County Illinois, was layed by A. L. Bennington, Contractor,
of Dallas City, Illinois, on the 20th, day of August, A.D. 1921. Hon.
William H. H__tzell, of Carthage, Ill. delivered an address,
In 1917, __ with Lowell Stout and Miss Bl___,
as assistants. In this year, the senior class was George Edmunds, John Edmunds, Merwyn Kimble __ Ingram, Earnest
Painter, Ada Peasley, Nellie Gittings, Vera Gittings, who received their diplomas, May 8th, 1918.
Professor Siegworth, having been called to serve his
country, in France, J.J.Harnay, was selected as Principal for the following year, with C.S.Apt,
assistant. The second assistant having been secured, at beginning of school, Mrs. Jessie Ingram, kindly
filled the place, until the vacancy was filled by employing Miss Delphine Corkell, of Chicago.
The year's work was finished, a class of four, namely Fredrick
Fitz, Cyrl Stout, Helen Edmunds, and Irene Morgan, on May 27th, 1919.
The first semester of 1919 found Prof. C.S.Apt in charge
of the school, with Prof. Siegworth, and Miss Milicent Vance of Macomb, completing the teaching
corps for this year, on May 26th, 1920, a class of four received diplomas, Herbert Fitz, Harry Painter,
Frank Edmunds, and Adeline Berkshire, C.S.Apt was again chosen as Principal, for
the year beginning Sept. 1920, F.W. Siegworth and Miss Eleanor Kyle of Media assisting.
The school year closing 1921 graduated a class of three – Anna
Kern, Milton Kern, and Dena Finch.
C.S.Apt, F.W.Siegworth and Miss Genevieve Adair, will be in charge next year, and the following students are enrolled. Wyvern Painter, Arthur Berkshire, Thomas Edmunds
and Herman Fitz, Guy Melvin, (a large portion is missing here)
Wishing its __ and hoping our school may achieve the great objective ______
organized, the writer consigns this record to the ____ cornerstone, these to remain we hope for Centurys/
Formerly Over the Entrance to THHS |

Now in the Home of Mike & Diana McKinnon |
Description of Terre Haute High School
Terre Haute High School was designed with entrances on the north and south ends of the front (east) side of
the school. There was a single sidewalk leading up to about 40’ from the entrances. The sidewalk then divided
and a flagpole was located at that point. From there, sidewalks led to each entrance. Above each entrance were carved
stones. “TERRE HAUTE” was above the south entrance. “HIGH SCHOOL” was above the north entrance. The
McKinnons salvaged the TERRE HAUTE stone and used it as their fireplace hearthstone when they remodeled their house in 1998. The
baseball diamond was located behind the high school.
The girls’ restroom and shower room were located at the south entrance and the boys’ restroom
and shower room were located at the north entrance. All of the framed senior class pictures were displayed in the north
and south entrance areas. The gymnasium was located in the center of the building. It was surrounded by classrooms
and a library. There was a raised stage on one side of the gym. That area was also used as a classroom when I was
a student. The stage was used for class plays and music programs. There was a cafeteria in the basement when I was
a student.
The school property includes 4.2 acres of land. The lawn of the high school building was beautifully
landscaped. There were a variety of evergreen and deciduous trees planted in the spacious schoolyard, and many shrubs
were planted around the building. There were hedges along the entire front of the property and along either side of the
sidewalk leading up to the front entrances. Mr. Clarence Apt was the groundskeeper for many years. He
did a beautiful job of caring for the lawn, hedges, and shrubbery. Many of the trees remain today."
Special thanks to Jean Painter Daugherty....nice job!!!
Terre Haute High School Quick Facts
Year HS opened (in Baptist Church): 1914
First graduating class: 1918
(8 students)
Year "new" HS building built: 1921-22
Year Addition added to HS bldg.: 1953
Year consolidated GS opened: 1954
Year HS closed: 1959
(last graduating class 8 students)
Consolidated to: LaHarpe
or Stronghurst (depending on student's home location)
Terre Haute HS bldg. used as: Terre Haute Junior
High (closed in 1982)
Terre Haute school building razed: 1994
Terre Haute HS team nickname: the "Wolves"
Terre Haute HS team colors: Maroon
& White
School Fight Song:
"We're Loyal to You Terre Haute High"
University of Illinois Fight Song Tune
loyal to you Terre Haute High
We're maroon and we’re white Terre Haute High
We'll back you to stand
We’re the best in the land
For we know you can stand,Terre Haute High!
So do all things right Terre Haute High
Take all things in sight Terre Haute High
Our team is our fame protector
On! boys, for we expect a
from you Terre Haute High!
Rah! Rah!