The History of Ray High School
Ray (population 50?) is located in western Illinois in the northeastern portion of Schuyler
County. Ray sits on Township Highway 4 about 5 miles northeast of Rushville and has about four streets (according to At one time a local railway passed through the small village however this railroad line no longer exists. Ray also
had a church and several businesses over the years.
We have been unlucky in our quest to find historical infomation on Ray. If you have any information
we can share about its beginning and history please write to us. We do know that Ray once supported a grade school and
a 2-year high school. Our good friend John Bybee spoke with a local resident and sent us the following information.
"Isobel Fordyce (85 years old) tells me she took her Freshmen and Sophomore years at Ray
HS. Five girls made up the Sophomore class. Isobel completed Jr and Sr. classes at Beardstown
HS. Ray School is the polling place for Oakland Township, Schuyler County, IL. She believes some photos of
the graduating classes are displayed on the 2nd floor."
John Bybee sent us this information as well:
"John Haney who grew up near there, remembers that Ray had a real small athletic program,
but they were big in bravado and there were many times--depending on the winners--a brawl/fistfight after the games, especially
if they played the Browning Bobcats. Haney also rememvbers there were three grcoery stores, a
savings and loan, a tile mill, and a brickyard in the 'glory days'."