Kampsville High School Building - 1939 |
Submitted by Kerby Suhling |
M.L. Kamp - Founder of Kampsville |

The History of Kampsville High School
Kampsville (population 302) is located in lower western Illinois in the upper eastern area of Calhoun County. The
town is located about 35 miles northwest of St. Louis. Illinois Routes 100 and 96 intersect in town. Kampsville
sits on the banks of the Illinois River and is about 8 miles east of the mighty Mississippi River.
The town was originally settled by Civil War veteran Captain M. L. Kamp, who dubbed it Farrow
Town. Kamp was such a popular figure in the area that the name was soon changed to Kampsville in his honor. The
town is well-known for its rich history and archaeological significance. A well-written history of the town can
be viewed the following web address:
The history of Kampsville High School is available on the Roots Web address of http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ilcalhou/Education/ruralschools.pdf . This information is copied below:
"Kampsville had a two or three-year high school from 1917 to 1939, when the voters of the community approved
a new district and organized a four-year high school. This school, recognized by the state, continued in operation until 1951,
when it was closed and the high school pupils were taken to Hardin. The problems at Kampsville were financial, as the district
did not have enough taxing power to support a high school."
Kampsville High School Class of 1939 |

Courtesy of Kerby Suhling |
The original Kampsville High School building as well as the two major additions are all still standing.
The Kampsville school was open as a K-8 facility until 1992, converted to a junior high, and it served in that capacity
until 2000. Once fully deactivated, it was sold to the Kampsville American Legion, which currently maintains it for community
use. (Thank you to Justin Lee for providing this information on the Kampsville school building.)
Kampsville High School Quick Facts
Year opened, 2 or 3-year HS: 1917
Year became 4-year HS:
Year closed: 1951
Consolidated to: Calhoun County School District (Hardin)
Kampsville HS team nickname: the "Kingfishers"
Team colors:
Orange, Black, & White?
School FIght Song:
We know very little about Kampsville High School athletics. According to the memories of a site fan, Dick
Heitholt, the KHS kids competed in basketball for sure. A yearbook for Kampsville High School of the 1938-39
school year located by Kerby Suhling shows the Kingfishers competed in track as well. Baseball may
also have been offered.
Kampsville HS Basketball Team - 1938-39 |

Courtesy of Kerby Suhling |
Boys Basketball
The Kingfishers may not have won any IHSA hardware, but they certainly earned a reputation of hard-nosed
competitors in the area. The boys of 1938-39 sported an overall record of 8 - 11. Members of the team pictured
to your right included the starters in the back row and team members listed as follows:
back row:
Kinser, Hancock, Totzell (capt.), Vetter, and Draper
front row:
Farnbach, Angel, Armstrong, Angel, K., Leach
According to an article recapping the team's season, a new gymnasium for the school was completed in the
late autumn of 1938 and made available for the boys to play in that year.
Kampsville HS Track Team - 1938-39 |

Submitted by Kerby Suhling |
Boys Track & Field
The Kingfisher "thinclads" of 1938-39 had a nice season as well. The team won dual meets with
Hardin and Pearl. In addition the Kingfishers finished THIRD in the Tri-County League Meet held on Kampsville's new track! Members
of the league that participated in the meet included Hardin, Alsey, Kane, Manchester, Eldred, Woodson, Hillview, Grafton, and Patterson. Sadly all are schools that are now gone, but well remembered on this site.
Members of the track team pictured top your right include:
Back Row:
K. Angel, Roundcount, Vetter, Kinser, Totzell, Hancock, L. Angel, Armstrong.
Front Row:
Schumann, D. Armstrong, Leach, Johns, W. Angel.
*Totzell set a new school record in the discus this year with a toss of 113' 07"!!
Great Athlete
*Raymond Schuman - played at Kampsville in the early 1940s. Dick Heitholt had
this to say about Ray:
"I first heard about Ray when I was in high school at Payson, Illinois in the early 1940s. He once
scored in the 50s in basketball in 1943 or 1944. He did not immediately go to college but was a renowned independent
player in Western Illinois with the Nebo Blue Devils where I remember his normal scoring was in the 40s. A left hander,
he was also an outstanding baseball player.
"In about 1952, Ray was persuaded to go to Hannibal LaGrange Junior College
in Hannibal, Mo to play basketball. He made an immediate impact leading Hannibal LaGrange to
the final four of the 1953 National Junior College Tournament (I think they got 3rd). Ray scored
34, 47, 37, and 41 points-a total of 159 points, which remains the record to date. One of his teammates was Cotton
Fitzsimmons, the Bowling Green, Mo, towhead, of National Basketball Association coaching fame.
"At 79 or 80 years old, Ray continues to be active--dominating many national
Senior Olympic events and also plays softball on a national championship team from Michigan. Ray
coached at West Pike High School for a number of years, the same school I started a coaching career. I think he is one of
the top athletes I have known.
"Incidently, Ray's Hannibal LaGrange Coach was Howard Dewell, who
came to Quincy High School as basketball coach and became an effective Dean of Students when I was Principal at Quincy. Howard
also remains active in Senior Olympics."
Need More Information
If you have ANY further information to offer regarding the many accomplishments and achievements made by the students
and townspeople of Kampsville and its High School, please share it with us. School nickname, team colors, fight
song, as well as other non-athletic related items are being sought. A photo of the original Kampsville High School
building would especially be welcome. These items can be e-mailed to us at ihsgdwebsite@comcast.net or real-mailed to us at:
Illinois HS Glory Days
6439 N. Neva St.
Chicago, Il. 60631
KHS Yearbook Dedication - 1939 |

Thank you to Kerby Suhling - (left click to enlarge) |
KHS' First Yearbook - 1938-39 School Year |

Submitted by Kerby Suhling |